Blog Post


By: Helen Gibson-Nicholas

Beauty Expert, Health Coach, Author

Everyone knows by now SMOKING causes wrinkles! Not only that, over eighty thousand deaths occur each year due to smoking according to the CDC. According to the American Lung Association, it causes lung cancer, COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, stroke, asthma, reproductive problems in women, premature and low birth-weight babies, diabetes, blindness, cataracts, age-related macular degeneration, and over ten types of cancer including colon, cervix, liver, stomach, and pancreatic

OK, I could go on, STOP SMOKING if you want to live a healthy life and eliminate those wrinkles caused by smoking, better known as the 'smokers face.' I bet you didn't know that SITTING IS THE NEW SMOKING! Who knew? We now have over ten thousand studies that reveal the detrimental effects of sitting all the time. 

Shockingly, reports show that for every hour you sit down, your life expectancy decreases by two hours. In comparison, for every cigarette you smoke, your life expectancy only decreases by eleven minutes. Sitting was not meant to be a way of life: inactive and stationary. Centurions in the 'Blue Zones' walk or bike everywhere, raise their own food and are highly social. When the body is crammed into a chair,  cellular mechanisms that push fuel into your cells get turned off. Sitting is not only making you age but also making you fat! The mere act of standing up activates the enzyme, lipoprotein lipase, which rushes out to attach to fat in your bloodstream and takes it to muscles to be used as energy. Stand up every twenty minutes and burn more fat.

There is more awareness now with flexible shifts, working from home, watches that tell you to stand, people trying to vape (not sure that is healthier), fake cigarettes, chewing gum, patches, etc. Yes, you need to move around more and trade out your chair for the giant ball occasionally. Stay physically active by walking around when on the phone, have meetings where everyone stands, walk at lunch, get a workstation that pulls up, and stand and stretch at your desk.

Smoking causes so much free radical damage that it depletes the Vitamin C in your body which is essential for maintaining collagen and collagen production. Double or triple Vitamin C supplementation and eat more Vitamin C-rich food like oranges, peppers, kale, tomatoes, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, strawberries, grapefruit, and guava. Combine fruits and veggies for great lunchtime salads!

PLANT STEM CELLS STIMULATE COLLAGEN PRODUCTION! As you age collagen production naturally slows down due to nutritional deficiencies and poor circulation. Applying plant stem cells to skin encourages 'new cells' in the dermis helping skin elasticity and youthfulness. Aloe also stimulates collagen production up to 8 times. Hello Gorgeous Antiaging Serums come to the rescue.

April 4, 2024
Thank goodness the Power Brow is gone, and hopefully the pink and purple ones and the brow jewelry too! Not sure how they are going to remove those tattooed on gigantic brows from this last decade, because brows are trending more natural and feminine now. Gone are the sharp angles, high arches, and elongated straight edges. Now it's back to a feathered, natural look that is not-so-perfect perfect. Finding your natural shape and tidying up is so much easier than the ultra groomed and unnatural slicked-up brow. I'm not a big fan of the pencil line brow or the bleached brow also hitting the runways, but I do like adding a little glow or glitter for that special party or prom.
November 29, 2023
I’m sure you have heard the term ‘fight or flight’ response. It’s a built-in reaction to stressful situation where your adrenals create gluco-corticoid hormones like cortisol and epinephrine (adrenalin) which equips you with emergency fuel and energy. Basically, this helps mobilize glucose into the bloodstream to fuel muscles for a boost of energy to respond to stressful situations rapidly! Is a bear chasing you, is your boss yelling at you, or are you in a car accident? Unfortunately, your body doesn’t know the difference. Continuing stressful scenarios keeps cortisol and adrenalin coursing through your veins causing a myriad of health and wellness issues. Constant stress prevents immune cells from responding to foreign invaders like virus, infections, and cancer cells. Not to mention, digestive issues like IBS, increased blood pressure, decreased brain function as in loss of memory, and insomnia induced fatigue, just to mention a few more stress-related issues.
By Helen Gibson-Nicholas December 29, 2022
Trends come and go, and I should know. I have been doing makeovers for 50 years! WOW! The 60's and 70's were the decades of glamour, when some of the most iconic beauty looks were created - winged eyeliner, red lips, and false lashes. I can't believe time flies so fast when you are having fun. We have estimated that I have done well over 10,000 makeovers and I still love helping women find that perfect look for their makeup personality. Whether you are a Makeup Diva or a Career Minimalist or a Soccer-mom Naturalist you will find one of these trends that you will like. Maybe you just might want to try them all depending on who wakes up in the morning.
By Helen Gibson-Nicholas October 20, 2022
Thalassotherapy is the use of the ocean’s beneficial elements (seawater, seaweed, sea muds, sea salts, etc.) for beautification, preventative, and curative purposes. Although ancient Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans used sea water for a variety of afflictions, France is considered the birthplace of Thalassotherapy. In 1904, French biologist, Rene’ Quinton demonstrated the existence of organic similarities between sea water and blood plasma. There are now many Thalassotherapy centers along the coast of France that offer a variety of “cures” that are often prescribed by the French medical profession.
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